Shin C. Beh, MD, FAAN, FAHS
Dr. Beh is the Founder and Director of the Beh Center for Vestibular & Migraine Disorders. He completed his neurology residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and a unique fellowship in neuroimmunology, neuro-otology, and neuro-ophthalmology at UT Southwestern Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University Medical Center, and New York University Medical Center. Dr. Beh was then recruited as Assistant Professor of Neurology at UT Southwestern, where he founded the Vestibular & Neuro-Visual Disorders Clinic. He has published numerous papers, including many articles on vestibular migraine, and the use of neuromodulation devices on the condition. Dr. Beh is also the author of Victory Over Vestibular Migraine, The Migraine Manual, Disembark: Overcoming Mal de Debarquement Syndrome, and co-author of The Mediterranean Migraine Diet.